About Us

We enable adults with disabilities to live happy, supported, independent lives where they are full participants in their communities.

Mission & Vision

Families CCAN is a catalyst for creating sustainable housing and supports solutions that enable adults with disabilities to fully participate in the community.

Our process brings together knowledge, resources, tools, and networks to organize, train, and inspire people with disabilities and their families to develop housing, employment, and volunteer opportunities that establish a well-rounded independent life.

We recognize each individual’s abilities, and put their goals and dreams first. We raise expectations of what is possible and empower the creation of caring communities.

Our vision is that all individuals with disabilities are welcomed neighbors, friends and colleagues, living and working in the community and valued for their contributions.

Our Story

Sara and Allan Crimm with their son at the zoo
Sara and Allan Crimm's son laughing while exercising on a stationary bike
Sara Crimm and her son cooking dinner together in their kitchen

Our Start

Searching for innovative housing solutions for their son with autism, Allan & Sara Crimm began looking for other families in the Philadelphia area with similar hopes and dreams. Their original motivation was to avoid the housing options available through state funding. These options limit choice and control – for families and for individuals with disabilities.

The First Meeting

Their circle of networking grew and grew. In July 2012 they hosted a public meeting – and over 80 people showed up! Thus began a regular monthly gathering for networking, informational programs, exploring options for housing and supports, and creative thinking. In 2013 Families CCAN (Creating Communities for Adults with Special Needs) became a registered nonprofit. We have continued to host Monthly Resource Meetings for families and professionals to join.

Tackling The Housing Crisis

In 2015, Families CCAN organized and co-sponsored a one-day conference titled: “Solving the Housing Crisis for Adults with Disabilities: Challenges, Opportunities and Innovation.” Attended by over 300 family members, service providers, legislators and housing developers, the conference highlighted current housing policy and the desperate need for additional community-based housing options that provide choice and control for adults with disabilities.


Inspired by that conference, Families CCAN developed its own grass-roots housing program, Creating Family Networks. Recognizing that families and individuals need time to grow towards independence, Families CCAN sponsors programs and trainings to provide necessary tools and practice opportunities. At the heart of our work is a desire to connect families for friendship, support and resource-sharing.

How We Do It

Readiness Programs

Monthly Resource Meetings

Learning opportunities for individuals with disabilities and their families to better understand the possibilities and opportunities available on the road to independence.

Families CCAN Cook

Cooking classes that teach individuals with disabilities to create their own dinner, with the help of a family member or support staff, in one hour. Join us for one class or a whole series!

Foundational Workshops

Peer to Peer Workshop

Learning from peers! Showing young adults with disabilities how life looks when you live on your own.

Empowering Independence

Helping individuals with disabilities and their families create and practice action plans for their vision of independence.

Big Steps Toward Independence

One Stop  Workshops

Single-session workshops provide in-depth instruction on important things you’ll need in your journey towards greater independence.

Family Navigation Services

We’ll match you to a knowledgeable and caring consultant who can guide your family through all phases of transition and planning for your adult family member with disabilities to live independently with the supports they need to succeed.

Our Values

The perspective of the individual with the disability comes first.

Each individual determines what happens in their life and participates fully in all chosen activities.


Everyone has a voice.

We must look for ways to hear every person, however they communicate.


Strengths first.

Look at the person and their strengths first, in order to promote opportunity and growth.


Reciprocal relationships are the bedrock of community.

We recognize and support strong reciprocal relationships - with family, friends, co-workers, neighbors and support professionals – as the bedrock for living successfully in the community.

Everyone relies on others.

We acknowledge that everyone relies on others in their daily lives. Family, friends, co-workers, neighbors and support professionals enhance and promote continuing growth and independence.

Aim high.

We set the highest expectations and focus on exemplary outcomes for the individuals we support, the resources we share and the models we create.

“With the help of Families CCAN, we were able to crystallize our vision for Emily’s home. Through their training program and the opportunity to visit various housing models, we gained a totally new perspective. I don’t believe that we would have accomplished what we did as quickly and as well as we did without our Families CCAN experience.” 

Sally and Linus
Newtown Square, PA

Our work is so important for families.

Donate now to make this possible!