Busting Housing Myths— Out and About
We took our Housing Myth Busting presentation on the road in June! After many virtual presentations we were delighted to make an in-person presentation at the Inglis/SDHP Opening Doors Together Statewide Housing Conference in Harrisburg.
Gretchen and Elijah prepare for their presentation at the Opening Doors Together Conference
SAU1 Power Coaches Gretchen and Elijah traveled from opposite corners of the state to present as part of the panel. The session was titled “Housing for Individuals with Disabilities: Busting Myths, Providing Choices.”
The presentation featured the voices of individuals with disabilities from across Pennsylvania. We interviewed these individuals over the past year as part of the Housing Myth Busting project. Through their stories, they show others how, where, and why they choose to live in their current settings. They also share the supports they use and the joy they feel in managing their own independence. Some of these community spotlight interviews are posted here on our website’s Blog.
Elijah and Gretchen did a phenomenal job presenting. The conference was a huge success, and we really enjoyed meeting people from all over the state. We are grateful to Inglis SDHP for organizing the conference.
Would you be interested in having us bring our virtual presentation on Housing Myths to your group, class, or organization? We are booking dates now for late summer and the Fall. Please contact Abby Martucci for more information.
The Housing Myth Busting Project is funded by the Pennsylvania Disabilities Council