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March Resource Meeting (via Zoom): Leadership and Advocacy

Join us as we welcome guests from the Pennsylvania Youth Leadership Network and Self Advocates United as One. They will be discussing the work their organizations do to increase opportunities for leadership and advocacy, as well as ways that you can get involved!

About our presenters:

The Pennsylvania Youth Leadership Network (PYLN) mission statement states the following goal: "To foster an open dialogue with youth and young adults to promote youth leadership, self advocacy, and independence by creating a positive and supportive network of young people with and without disabilities." PYLN seeks to "Empower leadership, self advocacy, and connection through monthly meetings, participation in conferences, and relationship building, Serve as a primary network to share youth leadership opportunities in the state, work to create resources and maintain youth voice in spaces it is needed throughout the state."

Stay tuned for additional info!

March 18

Families CCAN Cook (via Zoom)

March 25

Families CCAN Cook (via Zoom)